If you are unaware of Monsanto's influence over food production, I urge you to educate yourself.
Here is an article from Vanity Fair about Monsanto: http://www.vanityfair.com/politics/features/2008/05/monsanto200805
This is Percy Scmmeiser, he is a farmer from Saskatchewan who won a battle against Monsanto when they tried to make him pay a "technology fee" because some of his crops were cross pollinated from Monsanto's GM varieties:
DO NOT BUY MONSANTO SEEDS! They are pre-programed "Terminator" seeds that will only produce one season of plants. If you save the seeds and try to grow food next year, you will not have any sprouts. They are designed to produce sterile seeds, thus forcing farmers/gardeners to be dependent on them for seeds every year.
If a corporation controls the world's seeds, they control the world's food supply.
Here is a list of companies that sell Monsanto seeds. (Borrowed from http://myfolia.com/groups/250-life-wants-to-be-free/topics/2867/posts)
•Totally Tomato
•Vermont Bean Seed Co.
•Cook’s Garden
•Johnny’s Seeds
•Earl May Seed
•Gardens Alive
•Lindenberg Seeds
•Mountain Valley Seed
•Park Seed
•T&T Seeds
•Tomato Growers Supply
•Willhite Seed Co.
•R.H. Shumway
•The Vermont Bean Seed Company
•Seeds for the World
•Seymour’s Selected Seeds
•Roots and Rhizomes
•McClure and Zimmerman Quality Bulb Brokers
•Spring Hill Nurseries
•Breck’s Bulbs
•Audubon Workshop
•Flower of the Month Club
•Wayside Gardens
•Park Bulbs
•Park’s Countryside Garden
Adding to the list of Seminis (daughter company of Monsanto) purchasers direct from Seminis website:
•Dege Garden Center
•E & R Seed Co
•Earl May Seed
•Garden Trends
•Gardens Alive
•Germania Seed Co
•Johnnys Selected Seeds
•J.W. Jung Seed Co.
•Lindenberg Seeds
•Mountain Valley Seed
•Nichols Garden Nursery
•Park Seed
•Rocky Mountain Seed Co.
•T & T Seeds, Ltd.
•Tomato Growers Supply
•Willhite Seed Co.
This spring, when you purchase seeds for your garden, PLEASE make an effort to support those suppliers who choose to carry heirloom seeds. This year I plan to save my seeds at the end of the fall, and I hope you will too. The only way common citizens can impact big business is to stop giving them our money.
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